Monday, October 18, 2010

Stupid Commenter Beatdown - "You Got Your Hives In My Peanut Butter"

Watch out kids!  I'll kill your ass!!
This one comes from one of our friends out west, who's apparently got quite the nose for stupidity.  The story is about bullying ... with a twist. 

Children get bullied for being gay, fat, clumsy on the field,


and now a new study finds you can add those with food allergies to the list.

Oh, well that's kinda mean.  Creative, sure, but still mean.

More than 30 percent of children studied for the new research reported having been bullied, teased or harassed because of their food allergy, according to a study published this month in the journal Annals of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology.

As a society can't we draw a line between teasing and bullying?  Isn't there a difference between teasing someone you know has a peanut allergy by enjoying your pb&j like an old "Herbal Essences" commercial and holding someone down and squeezing a lime on their head when you know they're allergic to citrus?  We say yes.

Although verbal abuse is the most common form of bullying found, over 40 percent of the children who said they were bullied were reported to have been threatened physically with acts such as being touched with their allergen, such as a peanut, or having the allergen thrown or waved at them.

"Hey Billy, heard you're allergic to pork!" [throws a canned ham at Billy]  Like we said, that would be bullying.

About 82 percent of these episodes occurred at school, with 80 percent of the cases involving classmates as the bullies and about 20 percent involving teachers or other school staff as bullies.

"Billy will never see this one coming.  Hilarious!!" [teacher hides slice of bologna inside test Booklet]
/shamelessly continues string of absurd scenarios.

"Recent cases involving bullying and food allergy include a middle school student who found peanut butter cookie crumbs in her lunchbox and a high school student whose forehead was smeared with peanut butter in the cafeteria," Weiss said.

Yeah, that's not really cool since, according to "October Road", mere contact with anything peanuty can cause very severe consequences for those who are allergic.  Still, in fairness, the girl who had her forehead smeared did soon realize that peanut butter and forehead hive pus are two great tastes that taste great together.
With an issue like this one, you just know the comments are going to be good.

I say make the parent responsible for the fall-out. Apparently children hear their parents talking in the home, and adopt their views on issues such as racial and sexual discrimination, sexual orientation, cruel remarks about geeks, and make fun of food and multiple allergies others have.  Anything remark about anything anyone has different from themselves will cause the thought to be planted in a child's head. Although I was no bully, remarks made in my house when I was a kid would have influenced a lesser person ...

BREAKING NEWS:  According to undisclosed sources, Loyote reports that children are apparently influenced by their parents.

Seriously though, we can't even count the amount of times that dear old Dad used to rail against, and we mean really nastily lay into, people with celiac disease.  He used to call them "Gluties"  After hearing that for 12 years we couldn't help but beat them with bails of wheat and shout "Eat this you fucking Gluties!!"  Loyote is a much better person than we are.  Not only did she resist her parents' bigoted ways but was able to avoid picking up any of their good grammar habits.  She's not done yet:

Also, I send my child to school, I expect him/her to be safe. Make the school responsible too. All adults should be responsible for the children being bullied. What -we live in a world where "wrong is right"? Where we can standby and watch our kids in school be bullied. We're the ones with the problem...we're allowing our society to bully us into watching our kids being bullied.

That's right, all adults should be punished, that's what we need for this crazy, mixed-up world where "wrong is right", up is down, northeast is southwest, cats lie with dogs.  We as a society are bullied by ourselves as a society into watching others bully our children.  We're all victims! And we all should be punished!
I was bullied horribly by children in NY because I moved there with a deep Midwestern accent. This went on for over 4 years. Though, by the time reached 9th grade, I guess that Midwestern heritage had its advantages and I became bigger, stronger, faster than the bullies. I relished setting the 'record' straight.

We can see how the toughs from NYC might here, "Hiya, my name is WaveJunkie, I'm from Toe-leed-o, Oh-hi-o" and commerce mercilessly beating him for 4 years.  Fortunately, thanks to his "Midwestern heritage" (whatever the hell that is) people started to like him because he was bigger and stronger then them and could now beat them up.  What a harrowing tale of unexpected triumph.

Because of this, my son, also a very big kid and gifted athlete who is very popular, was taught at an early age to look out for those that could not defend themselves and never hurt another for whatever reason. Could not be prouder - takes his aggressions out on the field of play, protects the innocent, and is gentle with animals
So you're telling us that athletes are popular and don't get beat up?  We found a picture of your son:
"This guy doesn't get rough with animals."

bullies are future republicans

Blame the right?  Check.

Must have been a bunch of liberal dems. Conservatives would have never assisted in such a vile endeavor! Speaking of the public schooling, and access of food to children. If these kids turn out to be poor, gingrich will be spinning in his aids bed sheets

Blame the left? Check.  At least we think so, Timm (with 2 "m"s) apparently missed the entire point of the story is he thinks it was about "access of food to children." 

On the (mentally) strong ones will survive!

Unfortunately, the mentally strong ones are more likely to breakdown when we all climb on their backs.  Guess we're all screwed. 

Finally, David gives us the most obvious comment ever.


good god why does everyone have to be a pansy no one can stand up for themselves anymore and when they are they are charged with a crime things are pathetic

Freakin children being afraid for their lives when people threaten them with food that could cause a potentially deadly reaction. Such pansies!!

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