Thursday, April 30, 2009

Post 29 - Why'd He Ever Leave the House

Here’s a tasty story about a convicted child molester who took matters into his own hands, or more appropriately mouth, in what we can only guess was an attempt to cut off his deviant urges. It's obvious that this guy is highly disturbed and biting off his member might just be evidence of his problems, right? Well, our new friend Devine sees things a little differently.

divine Apr 15, 2009 8:29:14 AM something is wrong with this story , first of all
i believe if he could do his self there would be no need to rape and if they let
him go for the 13yrs old ,they couldn,t prove anything , but he didn,t know law
and they tricked him into plea ain,t nowhere in the hell ,he could bit off his
own ***** ,if it that long then he need to be in the worlds books, people think
about it ,before writting on it.

Yeah, something is wrong with this story, THE GUY BIT OFF HIS PENIS!! Need there be more wrong that that? Devine apparently believes that if this guy could get his mouth all the way down there he'd have no reason to rape anyone (If I could do that I would never leave the house, GET IT!! waka waka!!). That'd be pretty persuasive if raping children really had ANYTHING to do with just wanting sex. We're sure it was just an elaborate conspiracy to out this guy and his extreme flexibility. And where exactly can we get a copy of the "worlds books", if they have stuff like this in there it's probably a pretty interesting read.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Post 28 - One Nation Under Gay

Now that all the fuss over Ms. California and her gay-hating ways has subsided, we figured it was the perfect time to post something. We're nothing if not untimely. We'd bet nobody would have guessed that this story would open the door for some good ol' fashioned gay bashing, particularly directed at Mr. Perez Hilton. Personally, we think the big PH is kinda nasty and annoying, but certainly not as much as the self-proclaimed PEREZ HATER (this name was made just for this particular story, right? Does she have other ones for TMZ like LOHAN LOVER or AMBIVILENT ABOUT OCTOMOM?)

30. I applaud her for what she said, I believe it and yesterday was the last day
Perez Idiot was welcome in this home. He's now blocked at the router. So Gay
people have a right to push their agenda on everyone else to the point of
harassment? When did this nation become one nation under homosexuals? Get REAL. If they want PEREZ as their role model they deserve him! He's a media HORE and did this all for publicity. He's loving it and milking it on his blog. YOU GO
GIRL!Posted at 9:40AM on Apr 21st 2009 by PEREZ HATER

I'm sure Perez is devestated to no longer be welcome in PEREZ HATER's home, they used to be such good friends. Too bad, all their disagreements went unresolved and built a router between them. Gay people do have some nerve pushing their agenda by harassing Miss Universe cotestants, through their role model Perez Hilton (who doesn't want to be an overweight blogger?) with questions about gay marriage. Don't THEY know that the only agenda that can be forced on everyone is the one contained in the bible? Btw, we think that whole "one nation" thing started with the creation of the Bravo Network.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Post 27 - New York Times Under Attack by Ten Billion Twitterers (Tweeters?)

This is a pretty old story about Obama bashing retarded people on Leno. But the comment is way too good to pass on. Ladies and Gentlemen, we introduce Rob-Stumpf:

rob_stumpf wrote:Join the boycott of the New York Times! We must destroy the
Life andStyle section or our civilization will be completely destroyed. Over10
billion people agree with me that the New York Times should beeliminated!!! We
already have our own Twitter page and that's reallyintimidating. Power to the

We're not entirely sure why Rob is calling for a boycott of the New York Times on the Post's website but we'll try to overlook that and think of it as "cross-promotion." What's really crazy is that over 10 billion people agree that they Life and Style section is going to destroy civilization (We always thought "John and Kate Plus 8" would be the culprit). To put that in context, 306 million people live in the United States, so approximately 30 times as many people really hate the Times (we bet the paper is thrilled to have so many readers). We hope that posting this comment won't set off a mass exodus from New York (that is after all where the New York Times is located), but be warned you're fair game and 10 billion people who can apparently express they're hatred (along with the most inane aspects of their daily lives) in 140 characters or less are coming to get you. We're atwitter with fear ourselves.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Post 26 - Real Airline Announces "Fat Surcharge", Fake Airline Bans Smelly People

Last week United Airlines announced that they will enforce a policy of making anyone who can't pull down the armrest purchase an extra seat. Not surprisingly, the commenters (who are known for being Olympic level fitness freaks) told countless stories of icky fat people touching them during their flights and how much they hate them. Not to be outdone, Cruxxlin decided to drop a bomb.

Posted by cruxxlin on 04/17/09 at 10:14PM

Not a bad move, along with keeping all the stinking smokers off the plane as well, and the bros who smoke those little brown stink bombs called BLACK and mild, all rappers and hippity hoppers should have fly in the cargo with the rest of the pets..!

So "rappers" is code for black people (you can tell by the very subtle use of caps, not exactly the German Enigma Code) but why bring bunnies into this ugliness. Not much to say here, we just felt compelled to point out an example of such extreme unprovoked racism.

On a lighter note, let's take a trip to fantasy land, your guide for this adventure, Shellback.

Posted by shellback1 on 04/16/09 at 6:11PM
With America leading the world in avoidable obesity, and arrogant inconsideration for fellow man, its public transportation – [in the business of selling seats, not compassion], has been struggling against ever increasing dilemmas emanating mostly from egomaniacal nosey-body government bureaucracy and liberal consumer advocacy battling corporate commonsense, thus the proverbial line in the sand is well over due and must be drawn at some point in time, preferably A.S.A.P. for the nation’s sake.

In fact, several lines must be drawn. If I were to start up an airline, I would keep it purely charter and at prices affordable to the general public. However, customer satisfaction would be hypnotic with me, and likewise those I employ. Being trapped in a commercial airliner for several hours sitting next to an overweight person overlapping the armrest can be brutally uncomfortable. And if the person is even a moderate smoker; and/or drinker, or quite naturally shy on hygiene, the nose takes a real beating.

For starters I would surely adopt the two-seat provision, and because planes do not make frequent stops affording diplomatic escapes, my customers would have to traverse a several foot long tunnel harboring a scale, metal detector, odor meter, and whatever else I can come up with. Simple enough, if one does not survive the qualifying tunnel, one does not fly in my planes. No smokers, no heavy drinkers, a good bath prior to boarding, no loud mouths, proper attire, etc.

I would like to extend to the Commercial airline entities a hardy vote of thanks for a step in the right direction – Keep on stepping!

First of all, stringing together big words and playing around with overused idioms doesn't make you smart (pointing out the stupidity of stuff like that does!), especially when you turn around and say that customer satisfaction is "hypnotic". We've all felt entranced waiting in line before, but we doubt being on your fictional airline could make us cluck like a chicken when you snap your fingers. We wouldn't have to be hypnotized to give his nose a nice beating, though. All that said, we love Shellback's idea, but we'd make a few additions: (1) all planes would be flown by a well qualified and world renowned Captain (Kirk, Crunch, Lou Albano, Caveman, Kangaroo, America, Obvious, Hook, Morgan, of the Heart, Planet, Stubing); (2) the co-pilot on each flight will be Tennille; (3) passengers be allowed to step out onto the clouds during the flight to meet the Carebears; (4) seats will be made of cotton candy; and (4) all flights will depart and arrive on time. Ladies and Gentleman, Thank You for Choosing Fantasy Airways.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Post 25 - English as a Second Language

There is currently a intelligent debate going on in New Jersey about whether to give illegal immigrants driver's licences and let their children receive in-state tuition rates. We're guessing this guy is not part of any intelligent debate. We would imagine his position would be something like "First of all, they come over here and take our jobs and number one they don't speak no damn English."

Posted by 0707fornj on 03/24/09 at 7:52AM <>If i make my own Polls
doord to doors with GOP and a Demo rat on my dies and i knowck on each Legal
residents houses I bet any one ill get a 99% Dissaprove to give out any College
Nothing or any DL when we ourself cant get any free college forour Kids As it is
we the Legal residents dont have o Rights .. even a dog have more then us . Do
all of us a Big Huge dam favor and never mention them to any of us Willya !

We're tempted to leave this one to stand alone in its own glory. Our only comments, beyond the obvious spelling challenges, is that no one is trying to "give out any college" and even if they were its highly unlikely this guy would ever have to pays for college for himself or his spawn. Also, who wouldn't want the rights of a dog? You crap and eat and that's pretty much your day. Sure, maybe who have to sleep chained to a tree outside this guys trailer but all in all it's not a bad gig.

Anyone know a 7-letter word for *&^%$#@?

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Post 24 - How I Didn't Meet Your Baby. Or Your Gay Co-star.

As any viewer of CBS's How I Met Your Mother can tell you, the show has been going through great pains lately to hide the pregnancies of its two leading ladies. This practice has lead to a bit of a disagreement in the blogosphere, particularly in this past week's episode where Cobie Smulders (aka Robin Scherbatsky aka Robin Sparkles) was seen drinking while her stomach was hidden behind various objects. According to one anonymous poster:

How is it distracting that she is pregnant in real life, but drinking on the show? Those two things don't have anything to do with each other. She's not pregnant on the show! She's not drinking in real life! I think it's silly that we care about hiding bellies anyway. She's an actor- she's playing the part of someone who's not pregnant. Just like [Neil Patrick Harris] is playing a womanizer when he clearly is not in real life. We don't hide him behind lampshades so that we don't see how gay he really is.

While we understand this person's point, having a visibly pregnant woman drinking, hooking up, and generally going about her business while no mention of her obviously expanding stomach is ever made would actually be INCREDIBLY distracting and just bad tv. As for Neil Patrick Harris's ability to play straight, does anyone really think hiding a person behind decorative household furnishings is really the best way to make them seem less gay?? Frankly, the whole idea of trying to analogize an actress's pregnancy to an actor's homosexuality just doesn't make a lot of sense.

As another commentator named LoopyChew tried to explain:

One's a physical condition, one's something that's not immediately physically apparent.

Well said. But in this case we're gonna have to disagree. Not immediately physically apparent? Really, LoopyChew? REALLY?

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Post 23 - It Burns Like A Ring of Stupid

We're a few weeks behind on this one but it was too good to ignore. Since all of American watches Idol we barely feel the need to explain, but Adam Lambert the likely-gay, black nail polish and eyeliner wearing front runner to become the next widly-unsucessful Idol champion. A few weeks back he sang a sitar-infused (if you don't know what a sitar is, go ask George Harrison) version of Johnny Cash's "Ring of Fire".

In regard to Lambert's Ring of Fire performance,
although the lad's talent is superior to that of all the previous AMATEURS who
have ever graced(?) on the show, I believe, along with several million Idol
viewers, that Adam's version of the song transended music and became an
unexpected spiritual experience that left millions of viewers speaking in
tongues and overcome by their religious fervor. Obviously, those who panned it
are tone deaf homophobic souls who are members of another denomination which
has, hopefully, thrown out its organ and banned all forms of musical
We heard the performance in question. At best, it was quasi-entertaining, at worst it made Randy Travis question his faith in humanity. We're not panning the performance lest we be exposed as "tone deaf homophobic souls" (we won't discuss our organ) but we HIGHLY (note the use of all caps for emphasis) doubt that millions of viewers had a spiritual experience full of religous fervor and tounge-speaking like this guy. Unless, of course, you put "what the fuck was that?" in the speaking in tounges category. Despite his luncacy, we are lucky that Lambert-Lover graced on our blog (hopefully he'll have the decency to clean up after himself).