Thursday, May 28, 2009

Post 40 - Hey Mom, You Just Faked Your Own Abduction, What Are You Going To Do Now?

By now everyone who reads our blog (i.e. us) has probably heard about the lady who made calls claiming that two black dudes had abducted her and her daughter, stuffing them in the trunk of a car. Too bad it was all a ruse. She was found at the Grand Floridian in Disney World, the happiest place on earth, wearing Mickey Mouse Ears (we may have made that last part up). Let's see what the had to say.

Posted by NJmomWife on 05/28/09 at 8:54AM
I for one am outraged that she did this. What was her motive?...Pity, attention or what? She should be ashamed of herself. My question is why didn't you take the other kids to Disney least the 15 year old.
Her husband must be really embarrassed. Is their marriage in trouble? Regardless of her reasons for running off to Florida...she did not have to make up such a horrific story...just go! I hope they make an example of her so that people will realize that crying wolf in this way is unacceptable! Her ex-husband should be drawing up the custody papers as we speak...why would you want to allow your daughter to remain in her custody, she's clearly not stable.

Seriously, what a terrible parent! What kind of mother would take only one of her kids on a fake abduction? A selfish one that's who! Obviously she plays favorites, the 15 year old may never have a chance to ride the teacups. how sad, especially since her sister gets a lifetime worth of therapy to try to suppress her Pirates of the Caribbean memories.

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