Saturday, May 30, 2009

Post 41 - There's No Crying In Baseball (Unless You're A Baby Being Used as a Bat)

A year or so ago, Jose Offerman, who apparently thinks he's a big deal because he played in the majors, got hit by a pitch in a minor league game. When a guy gets hit the normal reaction usually ranges from a stare down, maybe an expletive or two and very rarely a "fight" (anyone who's seen a bench clearing brawl understands that the term "fight" is used loosely). Mr. Offerman decided to forgo those pleasantries and chase down the pitcher WITH HIS BAT. The bad part came when the catcher tried to stop him only to be beaten about the head and neck. Not surprisingly he has some brain problems now. Totally, inexcusable right? Right?

balonbride wrote: It's a tough break for the kid, but Offerman was a major leaguer and deserved more respect. The pitcher deserves the blame here. As a minor leaguer, you don't throw at a guy who played in the Bigs.I hope this kids gets better. But we gotta cut Offie some slack.

We couldn't agree more Balonbride, anybody who lucks their way into being a scrub in the bigs should not be the subject of such disrespect of being hit with a baseball during a baseball game. A man in his position cannot be made to look ridiculous!!
acmebun wrote: Nathan should get more than what he is asking for. I think it is crazy that Offerman got to "snap for 10 seconds" and still live his life. People die when people "snap for 10 seconds" what if the bat was a gun? What if the bat was a baby? Nathan I wish you all the best and all the happiness. Offerman should be in jail.

What if the bat was a baby? Well, we'd guess that if Offerman was making a habit of trying to hit a baseball with a baby it might explain why he's back in the minors (it's really hard to square up a slider with that tiny baby skull, trust us). He would have looked pretty silly chasing after the pitcher with an infant in hand and the catcher probably wouldn't have gotten hurt as badly. So all in all, if the bat was a baby it would probably have been a much better outcome for everyone, exceot maybe the baby.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Post 40 - Hey Mom, You Just Faked Your Own Abduction, What Are You Going To Do Now?

By now everyone who reads our blog (i.e. us) has probably heard about the lady who made calls claiming that two black dudes had abducted her and her daughter, stuffing them in the trunk of a car. Too bad it was all a ruse. She was found at the Grand Floridian in Disney World, the happiest place on earth, wearing Mickey Mouse Ears (we may have made that last part up). Let's see what the had to say.

Posted by NJmomWife on 05/28/09 at 8:54AM
I for one am outraged that she did this. What was her motive?...Pity, attention or what? She should be ashamed of herself. My question is why didn't you take the other kids to Disney least the 15 year old.
Her husband must be really embarrassed. Is their marriage in trouble? Regardless of her reasons for running off to Florida...she did not have to make up such a horrific story...just go! I hope they make an example of her so that people will realize that crying wolf in this way is unacceptable! Her ex-husband should be drawing up the custody papers as we speak...why would you want to allow your daughter to remain in her custody, she's clearly not stable.

Seriously, what a terrible parent! What kind of mother would take only one of her kids on a fake abduction? A selfish one that's who! Obviously she plays favorites, the 15 year old may never have a chance to ride the teacups. how sad, especially since her sister gets a lifetime worth of therapy to try to suppress her Pirates of the Caribbean memories.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Post 38 - Father Knows Worst

Author Eric Weinberg wrote a "humorous" piece about how he initially loved his second son, Julian, less than his first son, Ben. Apparently Mr. Weinberg was hoping for a girl the second time and was disappointed when he ended up with another son. He also felt like since he'd known his older son longer, he had a deeper connection with him. Now, in the end, the author said he does love his second son, but it seems like a lot of people are pretty disgusted the article was ever written and many of them don't find his attempts at humor to be funny:

Posted By: wildechild66 (May 15, 2009 at 3:43 PM)
While parental favoritism is sad and can have devastating effect on families, I don't think the author really loves his second son less than his eldest. In his own words, "When I say I don’t love Julian as much as Benjamin, I’m really saying I don’t know
him as well". It can be difficult to form a relationship with someone you don't
fully understand yet--just ask my father."

Well, we don't know your father, so we'll have to take your word on that one. But since you're a fully-formed adult we get why you might be complex and hard to understand. Julian, on the other hand? He's a BABY. He eats, sleeps, and poops. If there are people out there who find that hard to understand then maybe they shouldn't be having kids in the first place. And they probably shouldn't get a pet either. After all, we wouldn't want their heads to explode trying to decipher the intricacies of "meow" and "woof."

Of course, any message board discussion on...well, anything...wouldn't be complete with some not at all out of the blue and obviously very well thought out homophobia:

Posted By: Lola88 (May 24, 2009 at 3:36 PM)
I really hope you don’t make Julian a little gay boy or probably Ben due to the fact that you have such an obsession with a girl. Now I think God does *** for a reason maybe you don’t deserve to have a girl that you may become super obsess with and she can suffer her entire life....This type of comments can only come out of someone who doesn’t believe in nature, yes the last paragraph was kind of sugar coated but
still you suck....

Posted By: AmericaIsCrap (May 24, 2009 at 3:49 PM)
This guy is an idiot. Why bother getting married in an instution sanctioned by GOD, if you're not religious. Way to go! Gay rainbows? Now the second will also be treated as female! We have enough confused youths in America, now we glimpse into the psyche of the parents that not only allow this, but cause this confustion of our young politicians to be getting busted in bathroom stalls.

That's right. Unless you believe in God, there's absolutley no reason to get married. Love? Nope. Committment? Nope. Legal recognition of your relationship? Nope. Green card issues? We digress. But, really, with these kind of people getting married, it's no wonder so many of our poor, innocent, God-fearing politicians are getting busted having sex in bathroom stalls. It's because their parents got married when they didn't believe in God or nature (And, for the record, we didn't even know it was possible to not "believe in nature," but we're a little relieved since we always thought that whole air/sun/trees thing was some kind of vast liberal conspiracy) and told them stories involving rainbows! Okay, that last part is a little ridiculous. Rainbows? Really? That would mean that every kid who loved, say, The Wizard of Oz growing up was gonna be...oh, wait...nevermind.

Anyway, obviously this article is a bit controversial as everyone has a different opinion about what's appropriate to say about your kids and what's funny and what's not. As one poster says:

Posted By: Jute (May 15, 2009 at 6:30 PM)
afeafbcbc -Don't be concerned for those of us you deem non-understanding. Your opinion is simply different than mine. The younger brother not being around as long as the older brother and his gender issues are only a part of how the writer expressed his lack of love and his rejection of the second child. Sarcasm is not humorous to me.

Sarcasm not humorous to you? Shit. We got nothin'.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Post 37 - Segregation Through Recycling

It's 2008 and apparently the schools in Louisville haven't quite gotten around to finishing the whole "desegregation' thing. Apparently they didn't get the memo that schools were supposed to have been desegregated starting in 1954. What's 45 years among friends, right? One of the main issues here is the busing of children from different sides of town in order to create more diverse schools. Predictably, people are outraged. Not IBEDAMAN, though, he be da man with da plan.

ibedaman wrote:
boy what a topic to get folks dander up i am sure glad for private
schools instead of that family vaction i would chuck that money to keep Bart in
private schoolsee, if you want to work a couple jobs that may be an option send
him with a sack lunch and pick up cans on the side of the road most people dont
like bus rides anyway i never took to it myself.

We're certainly all grateful for private schools so little Bart doesn't have to mix with the "colored" people. Too bad his pops is so racist that he'd rather skip family vacations to do so. Maybe it's for the better though, Bart might be horrified to find out Mickey Mouse is black (and Goofy is a dog that talks hangs out with people while Pluto is kept on a leash, wtf is up with that? metaphor for pre-civil war America? discuss amongst yourselves). Finally, how dirty is Louisville that you can pick up enough cans on the side of the road to pay for private school?

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Post 36 - Ignorance Not To Be Confused With Marital Bliss

Being the reputable blog that we are, we usually try to stay away from the gossip pages, but good old Page Six ran a piece the other day that was too good to pass up. Former NYC Mayor Ed Koch was angry, not because a filmmaker claimed he was gay (not that there's anything wrong with that), but because his record on gay rights issues was misrepresented. Ed Koch, career politician even after his career is over. The interesting thing about the comments is that most people didn't seem to really care about his alleged gayness, especially since he never acknowledged it or even hinted at it.

DA wrote:Unlike a lot of people today, Koch was not a professional gay where
24/7 everything is gay gay gay to the exclusion of more important issues.
Whatever he is, he was private about his personal life when being gay was really
frowned upon and would have lost him elections, and remained private even when
it was somewhat accepted. But contrary to what most young people are taught
today, no one particularly cared what gays did in the past outside of the vice
squad and they were mostly involved in public solicitation cases (I guess they
still are to a degree) And unless you went around announcing it to everybody
there was really no discrimination in things like housing because plenty of
straight men had male roommates. The service has always had gays in it so unless
you were committing some overt sexual acts that would be noticed they were
pretty much ignored too.Of course things like gay marriage would have been
thought insane and laughed at but I doubt if many gays want to marry anyway. If
it's ever made legal I think people will be surprised at how few gays do it.

We're not sure how exactly one becomes a "professional gay." Do you have to declare for the gay draft and give up your amateur gay eligibility? Or if your a Dominican can you just sign with the gay Yankees and forgo the draft? Can professional gays participate in the gay Olympics? DA is so right about the good old days, back in the 80's when nobody really care if you were gay or not as long as you didn't go around telling people (hi, mom & dad, what are you doing here? umm, this is Joe, my roommate...). And the gay marriage thing is totally blown out of proportion, we don't know a single gay person who wants to be treated equally and have the same right to marry and hate their spouse like straight people do. We'd be totally surprised if it ever became like a state-wide referendum or a court case or anything like that. DA is a genius, totally no discrimination going on, just a lot of ignor-ance.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Post 35 - Don't Hate Me Because I'm Mustachioed

It seems like Ms. California can't get herself out of the news. After the whole "gays shouldn't get married" thing, we hoped she might just fade away. Not So! Apparently, the Daily News is trying to find the root of her idiocy. While it's not surprising that her parents may have had something to do with it, it is mildly surprising how they did it. According to this fine piece of investigative journalism, Mr & Mrs. Ms. California like to insult each other by calling the other one gay. Mrs. Ms. California alleges that Mr. Ms. California told his daughters that "their stepfather was gay, that all men with mustaches are gay." What a mess, not only do the gays hate her but she's now angered the mustachioed masses.


Hell Yeah!! The next logical step after the GOP is done with their moustache smear campaign is the banning of alcohol. We see constitutional amendments on the horizon banning gay marriage, booze and moustaches, must to the chagrin of the Village People. The only thing that can stop these scoundrels is a "Million Moustache March" with all the greats (Selleck, Reynolds, Hogan, Goulet, Geraldo, Norris, Hilter, Chaplin, Former President Chester A. Aurther, Stalin, Yosimte Sam, Groucho Marx, Oates, etc.) joined arm-in-arm chanting ("We're here, We like the look of hair above our upper lip only, Get used to it!!). As we think about it, a tear runs down our cheek only to be caught by our goatee.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Post 34 - Is it still a Doggy-Dogg World?

A teacher went ape shit a few weeks ago. After getting into trouble for "roughing up" some students, he decided it would be a good idea to barricade himself in a classroom (as far as we can tell there is no truth to the rumors he was found with a bullhorn quoting lines from "Stand By Me" - "Discipline is not the enemy of enthusiasm!"). Since this occurred in the Bronx, we can only assume we'd see some pretty nasty comments. As usual, we were not disappointed.

DA wrote: All I know is that if my mandatory sterilization plan had been
put into effect in 1970 we wouldn't have these problems and the high taxes that
go to schools that educate no one. The misfits who keep cranking out these
little monkeys are the problem. If this teacher has any sense he'll get the h_ll
out of there and move to the suburbs or country where this stuff never happens.
He's wasting his time if he thinks he can change this feral kids.

We did some research and, surprisingly we couldn't find anything on DA's mandatory sterilization plan. Guess it never got much traction, maybe because it's FUCKING APPALLING. Good thing he didn't spell out "hell", otherwise his comment would have been really offensive.

Let's just move on and take a trip back in time. Ladies and gentlemen, this comment is brought to you by the late-90's:

J.B.B. wrote: Yes, gangsta rap has much responsibility for this mess, at least
currently.You have male "students" running around the schools with their jeans
literally pulled down to their ankles now, emulating prison inmates.Huh? While
Jay Z, and the rest of these sub morons, and the rich,white music companies and
execs get supra rich . . . sending THEIR children to Swiss boarding schools with
security details. This is a COMPLETE societal breakdown, and is not limited to
the black, and minority inner city world....look around you's
ancient Rome all over gotta try to move to Idaho in a compound...
and home school your kids because the so called "authorities"...the unions,
cops, administrators, clergy, pols, EVERYONE...can't do a thing about it at this
point...yet the Hollywood, major media scum who probably are most to blame still
hide behind the First Amendment in peddling their filth to young minds....the
Masters of these "entertainment" companies should have a certain space in Hades
reserved for them . . . they sell their heinous shite to us, all so they can be
"successful" . . . they need to be burned at the stake...

Gangsta rap? Really? Does that even exist anymore? Somehow, Flo-rida's (get it, it's like Florida but with a dash!!) music doesn't strike us as gangster. Everything about this comment makes up feel like we're back in high school listening to "Gin and Juice." If students LITERALLY had their pants around their ankles, it be really hard to walk. All the times we've tried to run with pants around our ankles, we fell, a lot. Coincidentally, the late 90's is probably the last time the "rich white record executives" made any money. Has this asshat ever heard of Itunes (or even Napster for a reference contemporary to her comment)? We sincerely hope this paranoid, out of touch moron does move to the land of potatoes and homeschool's its future gun-toting, right wing fascist children. People who want to burn Tom Hanks at the stake (and teach their children the same) really make us nervous, we'd rather have Snoop and Dre packin heat than those little burdens.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Post 33 - Putting the "fun" in dysfunction

Viriginia Rep. Jim Moran has decided to tackle one of the most important issues facing our country today--banning erectile dysfunction ads on TV. Now, while most people in favor of the ban have said they just don't want to have to explain ED to their children, the following posts make it clear that these ads threaten other members of society too:

Random Girl May 7th, 2009 10:00 am ET
These ads need to go. In addition to everything else mentioned, doctors are supplying ED medication to sex offenders. And if you are one of the many women victimized by a sexual predator taking ED medication, the LAST THING you want to encounter are ads for Viagra every ten freaking minutes during prime time.

Good point. And since Viagra takes about an hour to work, we can see how countless women don't want to be reminded of the trauma of walking down the street, being forced into an alley, held down while their attacker takes a tiny blue pill, and then lying there for an hour until he's ready. ED medicine is a weapon and must be stopped! And it's not just assault victims who would benefit from the ban. Even people having consenual sex have been hurt by ads for these evil pills:

Helen Tucker May 7th, 2009 9:36 am ET
I am so happy someone is trying to get ED Ads pulled. It is not only for the children and young people, but it is also embarrassing for mixed company adults. Not only is it embarrassing, those love scenes of planned sex have made me sick of sex. What happened to spontaneity and sex because of love. I am embarrassed to see it in front of my husband of 60 years. I hate to think what I would feel as a young married woman. I hope Representative Moran gets to hear how your audience feels. If it must be advertised, then don’t use those fake love scenes. Use only the medical facts.

See! Married women are suffering because of these ads too! Can you imagine anything more embarrassing than having an ad about a sexual aid come on while you're watching TV with someone you've been intimate with for a mere SIXTY YEARS?? How awful! The only thing more embarrassing would be having your wife use her real name while posting online about how she's sick of sex! Thank god Helen Tucker's husband dodged that bullet! Unfortunately, these evil ads don't discriminate based on age. They're hurting younger couples too!:

Mary May 7th, 2009 9:52 am ET
I am glad to see someone finally has enough guts to say enough is enough and try to put a stop to these obnoxious ads. They are the most disgusting things on TV. It is really a shame what has happened to television today and then the government wants to know why there is so much teenage pregancies and delinquency today. All you have to do is turn on TV and there is your answer.

Thank you, Mary! We couldn't have said it better ourselves! ED drugs are CLEARLY responsible for teen pregnancies! I mean, if it weren't for ED drugs, how would teenage boys ever get it up?? Obviously they wouldn't. But we have to disagree with your other point: these ads aren't the most disgusting things on TV. Some things are much worse:

Jes May 7th, 2009 9:49 am ET
ED ads? big deal. You know the ads that *I* would like to see banned? All of the ads targeting women and telling us that we have smelly armpits, and offensive…well, south of the armpits, if you know what I mean. They are endless. You don’t grow up watching those ads, as a woman, and not feel something is wrong with you for just having the body parts all women have. It’s tyrannical and a much bigger issue than ED ads.

Sing it, sister! Womyn have been victimized by those ads for way too long! Those parts are all natural. And those smells that come out of them? Sure they're probably the result of poor hygiene, but so what? Though...we actually don't know what you mean by south of the armpits. Are the ads targeting smelly elbows? We're not really sure.

Here's what we are sure of, though: we applaud Rep. Moran's efforts to ban these ads. We know it wasn't an easy decision. He undoubtedly consulted his staff, thought long and hard, and worked as many polls as he could get his hands on before he finally came to a conclusion. And even in the face of stiff opposition, he's still managed to rise to the occassion. Rep. Moran, we salute you!

Monday, May 4, 2009

Post 32 - Too Tall Jones Declared Safe From Swine Flu

If there's one truth in this world that we hold sacred its that a flu epidemic brings out the best in everyone. And by "best in everyone" we mean:

1. Clear Bigotry:

Posted by dirkdiggle on 04/28/09 at 8:55AM
Why can't we call it smelly dirty Mexican flu?

That's terrible, just terrible.

2. Nonsensical Incoherent Attempts at Bigotry:

Posted by hippi on 04/28/09 at 12:21AM
The reason why Mexicans are dying,
right now about 1 out of 10 who get the flu is because they are so short
compared to cowboys.

What the hell does that even mean? Is he trying to say the swine flu started with this guy?

Is he going for the angle that Mexicans are generally short and therefore closer to the pigs so they're more likely to catch swine flu? Beyond the obvious idiocy, why the cowboy comparison? We were sleeping when the history teachers taught about the great pig herding cowboys of Mexico?

3. Ignorance Poorly Disguised by the Use of "Facts"

Posted by herehere1 on 04/27/09 at 11:44PM
This is serious business people. Tens of millions died in the 1918 pandemic and it even killed eskimoes in the North Pole. The virus then was 50x more powerful than the usual flue strain. To have people in their 20's and 30's dying in Mexico when it's not even flu season is no joke at all.

No one will dispute that this whole swine flu thing is very serious business, but we'd guess any Eskimos living at the North Pole would have died from the lack of, what's the word, oh yeah, LAND! The north pole is completely ice-covered (at least for now) and only inhabited by Santa. If the flu ever gets up there, however, our prayers go out the elves.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Post 31 - Listen Up Hulkamaniacs, the Hulkster's Not Saying OJ Shoulda Killed Her, But He Understands, Brother!!

After ruining his family (did it hurt inside when it came crashing down, Hulkster?) in a vain attempt to make a star out of his talentless daughter through a crappy reality show, everyone's favorite example of male pattern baldness Hulk Hogan (keep taking your vitamins, saying your prayers and rockin that bandana, nobody suspects a thing, brother!) is in the midst of a messy divorce. I guess things get messy when you start dating your daughter's friends. Frustrated by his circumstances, the Real American apparently feels a kindship with everyone's favorite wife-murdering Heisman Trophy Winner, O.J. Simpson. Thuderlips seems to empathize with the Juice, since Linda hurt his friends and she hurt his pride, he had to be a man, he couldn't let it slide. Only one catch, brother!! O.J. was innocent. Just ask Anastasia and Professor Deeds.

152. Oj Simpson should sue Hulk Hogan for those comments. Oj was aquitted of murder in a criminal trial. Aquitted = Not Guilty. Before anyone jumps on the "but he lost the civil suit" bandwagon, save your breath. The civil suit is a joke, it was a witch hunt and should have never happened. It borderlines on double jeapardy as far as I'm concerned. I get that it must be difficult to go through divorce, to know that your spouse has moved on. But to make such outlandish statements is totally rresponsible. Posted at 11:28AM on Apr 16th 2009 by Anastasia

Not be get too technical, but aquitted DOES NOT mean O.J. wasn't guilty, it just means that prosecution totally fucked up and the jury didn't want to put someone famous in jail. Additionally, no matter what Anastasia's finely tuned legal mind thinks, the civil suit wasn't even remotely double jeopardy or even jeapardy (somebody's been watching too many bad Ashley Judd movies). We totally hate it, though, when people who've had a family member brutally murdered go on witch hunts trying to make the killer pay, totally ridiculous.

Let's go to our resident legal expert, Professor Deeds Researcher, for his analysis:
165. First of all, Hulkster, it is very clear to me that Mr. Simpson did not murder his ex-wife. I followed the trial and the relevant testimony from beginning to end, and concluded that Simpson was not guilty before the case was given to the jury.The key to being able to arrive at the correct verdict was in being able to ignore the emotional aspects of the case, especially that of Mr. Goldman and his sneering face, and focus instead only on the facts. (As Joe Friday used to say, "The facts, ma'am, Just the facts.")Allowing oneself to be swayed by the emotional side of the case was an easy thing to do. People saw gruesome pictures on TV and in the newspapers, and immediately had to think Simpson was automatically guilty...before all of the facts were brought out at the trial.Unless someone asks, I'm not going to get into those ddetails in this message, as it would take quite a bit of typing! However, if even one person wants to know the truth, then I'd be perfectly willing, even if it means that a
former LAPD detective winds up in jail for the rest of his life.My real point here is that Mr. Hogan should just keep his mouth shut. If his "little hulkamaniacs" would keep there mouths shut, too, that might help to clean up the air. Posted at 5:09PM on Apr 18th 2009 by Deeds Researcher
Well, if this guy concluded OJ was innocent, we say case closed, let's just all move on. (maybe we're misreading it, maybe the Mr. Simpson he's talking about isn't O.J., maybe it's Homer or Tony Romo). We're lucky to have someone to sift through the emotional aspects of the trial (dead wife, OJ being famous, rasist cops, funny rhymes from Johnny Cochrane) and focus on the facts (like motive, the bloody glove, the White Bronco Chase, DNA, the bloody shoe prints, witnesses who saw the Bronco, etc. etc.). These clearly show O.J. is innocent. Somebody obviously borrowed his Bronco, some blood, his shoes, and his gloves, and killed his ex-wife just to frame him. Our money is one these dudes (

Ultimately it looks to us that Mr. Deeds is just using his post to make himself look like he's the only one who knows the "truth", which of course it total bullshit. If he knows something why not put this detective in jail instead of posting random comments on TMZ?

Post 30 - A Lesson About Domestic Abuse or How Mr. Shamwow Had to Slap-Chop a Ho

Another less than timely post from us. In case you can't tell we're cleaning out the queue. The story it self is about the creepy Shamwow Dude (aka the Slap Chop Guy - "you're gonna love my nuts" ) got in a fight with a hooker in Miami. He says she bit his tongue and wouldn't let go, she says he made her watch his movie ( Apparently this guy thinks he's a comedian, not some tv shill. As amusing at that all is, what's important to note here is this Shamwow Dude has nothing in common with our other favorite woman-beater Mr. Chris Brown. Let's let LovieBB explain.

212. ya'll shd stop hating on cris..just keep doin' ur thangggg CB!!n'
ya'll haters shd av sm sympathy n' get sm psychologists to xplain 2 u that such
kids who were raised up lyk cris can easily beat up their gf' blame it on
his parents who raised him while witnessin' ol the abuse b'ing done to his mum
bt dnt blame cris...LET CRIS BREATH,HE'S HAD ENUF!!!!! Posted at 8:20PM on Apr 18th 2009 by lovieBB

First of all, reading this makes us feel like we're watching the game show network or something. Why do we need to talk to any psychologists (we're amazed that was spelled correctly) when LovieBB can explain so succinctly how people can "easily" beat up their girlfriends (is she implying that Rhianna didn't put up much of a fight?), it's all daddy's fault. Forget personal responsibility, just keep doin' ur thangggg!!