Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Post 9 - Woman Married 23 Times, Time for a Constitutional Amendement

This woman was married 23 times (and she's only 68!!) including a Baptist minister, two gay men, a homeless guy and a convict accused of rape. Sounds like she ran the gamut. Good thing those two gay guys didn't marry each other, that would have brought the universe to an end. Anyway, this commenter raises a point (eventually) that most of us probably would have missed:

Posted by VodkaOnRocks on 02/27/09
at 5:10PM

I have a few questions to ask and then I'll comment....
in the world is this lady on???
More importantly, what are the guys
Who would marry a woman knowing she's been down the aisle more than
twice and has 7 children???
Now for my comment:
This lady must be good at
"you-know-what" to keep make these guys drag her and her clan to the chapel.

Actually, we don't know what. Cooking, bridge, country line dancing, the balance beam, pong, making hand-made pen stands, freestyle rap. Just too many choices. Damn you VodkaOnRocks, just tell us, we can't figure these things out on our own!!

By the way, what is this lady on? (get it)

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