Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Post 16 - I won't stand for that kind of reverse discrimination. I prefer the regular, unreversed kind.

Here's a nice little story about a black couple in the suburbs of Chicago that has decided to conduct a minor social experiment and only shop at black owned businesses for one year. They say it's their way of supporting their community and trying to give back. Or is it, as many posters have claimed, just a case of racism? Sometimes it's hard to tell. But not in this case:

Aryan Nation
United States
Reply »
|Report Abuse |#2120 9 hrs ago
If they want to shop at these stores, they should move back to Africa, where they belong.

Okay, besides being an obvious racist, you're also a fucking idiot. How are they going to shop at THESE stores if they move to Africa? They're already driving 14 miles for groceries. You expect them to move to another continent and still be able to shop there? That doesn't sound very practical. Especially if they like ice-cream. And the article clearly states that the wife is from Miami and the husband from Detroit. So how can they go BACK to Africa when they're not even from there? It would be like us suggesting you go BACK to the "Aryan nation." It just wouldn't make any sense because you can't actually do that since it only exists in your own fucked up, demented head.

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