Saturday, March 7, 2009

Post 14 - Widowed Immigrant Seeks Residency, Attorneys and Obama to Blame

File this one under the heading of "Everyone Hates Everyone Who's Not Like Them." This woman came to the US legally from Jamaica, got married and then her husband died in a ferry accident before she could become a citizen. Only one way to solve this problem. Deport her ass! And our plan would have worked too if it wasn't for you pesky lawyers:

koani07 (0 friends, send message) wrote: 6h 54m ago
And once again the scum of a bucket lawyer thinks they are doing what is
right...How about thinking what is right for the WHOLE country, not just one or
two ( in this case 170) people. America is sorry for the lost rof your loved
ones, however a LAW is a LAW. Didn't lawyers become lawyers to defend the laws
of this nation? Seems to me they have forgotten a simple thing here, Our laws are here to protect this country, Stop bending them to make it better
for your client. Hope you have a nice and safe trip home..

Somehow we don't really think this guy really hopes she has a nice trip home. I wonder if anyone gets on his case for making McNuggets all day. Lawyers can't detroy society singlehadedly, they need some help from highher up.

Bobc (2 friends, send message) wrote: 5h 52m ago
Bush and Republicans were going for the "let's get more voters and grant amnesty to everyone here"...till the public let their voices be knownThe Dems will do what they want...Obama needs more voters and more unskilled, uneducated to vote for him.We are getting fleeced right and's bad enough to get fleeced by our government and lazy neighbors, but also forced to pay for the whole world's people.Welcome to
the another 3rd world country! Where Obama's plans are fulfilled.....everyone
poor on the same level.

Why doesn't this guy save the keystrokes and just say he hates anyone who's not white. At least then he'd be an honest racist and not just a unsubtle one.

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