Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Post 43 - Lost in translation because you're a moron

We're not from San Diego. But we've heard good things about it. Particularly an authentic South American restaurant called "El Q'ero":

I don't know much about being gay or what it is like to be gay in South America
but I presume it's fabulous. It is a little strange to me that you would name
your restaurant El Qero which from my best guess translates to "the Queer one"
in Spanish. Although I am not an expert in Romance languages so this is only an
assumption. I am definitely not homophobic since I once watched Will and Grace
and found it quite entertaining. I also have seen movies with Cher, most notably
"Mask" which was by far one of her best performances along with the "Turn Back
Time" music video. As far as El Qero goes the interior decorating was
phenomenal. Taking cues from from traditional south American styles and
accenting it with lush lighting and just the right color accents, I was
enveloped with a sense of relaxation and jubilant euphoria. The meal was
exceptional indeed. My lamb chops were a slice of heaven, and the pescado mi
mujera ordered was gorgeous. We ate some fried plantains for an appetizer and
they were sweet, probably better left for desert.

You know, we're not experts in romance languages either, but we think you're una idiota. We think that means "an idiot." And even if it doesn't, well that's what you are. A big one. But we're glad to hear you're not homophobic. How could you be when you like Cher and Will & Grace? That makes you totally gay friendly and not someone who completely buys into ridiculous stereotypes. We're the same way. That's why when you use words like "fabulous," "gorgeous," or "slice of heaven," and comment on the "accenting" and "lush lighting" of the decorating we totally believe that you don't know the slightest thing about being gay! That's just how open minded we are. Even so, we're not really sure we trust your review of El Q'Ero. Sure you gave it a rave, but it's coming from a guy who likes Cher and Will & Grace. Frankly, that makes your taste a little suspect.