New Jersey lawmakers have proposed a 25% increase on the state alcohol tax to try to cover some ginormous budget holes. Predictably, restaurant owners are threatening to pass the costs on to their customers. Even more predictably, the commenting public was outraged .... and dumb.
Posted by 0707fornj on 06/09/09 at 1:14PM
Hopefuly they wont pass those tax Booze to those who dont consumme , cuz if i go to a restaurant i should not pay for the lossers and F** rs who drink .
Do they even serve beer at Chuck E. Cheese's? (damn they do, have to come up with another "joke" about how this guy frequents crappy restaurants). Do they even serve beer at [insert crappy restaurant here]? Either way, our guess is this dipshit won't have to worry too much about the tax since he's no "losser" or "F**er". Wonder what the "**" stands for? "Faker" might be somewhat logical, but we're not sure why he'd star that one out. Oh, well, guess we'll never know. Fucker!!